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Take a Look at our New Data Validation APIs
12/1/2020 - Katherine Coyle

We know how important it is to have a polished, professional platform available for use by your organization and users. This means automating and simplifying as much as possible to create a streamlined, easy-to-use site that provides all necessary data without having to perform any external queries. We are making this even more attainable by introducing five new data validation APIs to our library that will retrieve and verify information for location and time.

Normalize a Street Address

This function will take a structured street address, parse it, and return its parts as separate, normalized objects including the latitude and longitude of the location.

Get the Current Date and Time

With this, you can return the current date and time for your location. Its response is synchronized with atomic clocks so it will always be consistent and accurate.

Retrieve a list of all Public Holidays

This will enumerate a list of all the public holidays for a given country in a specified year, with support for over 100 countries.

Parse a Structured Date and Time Object

With this function, you can parse a structured date and time string into a date/time object. This is intended for standardized date strings that adhere to formatting conventions, rather than natural language input.

Use NLP to Parse Unstructured Date/Time Objects

Unlike the function above, this API will parse unstructured date/time strings. It is intended for lightweight human-entered input, such as “tomorrow at 3pm” or "Tuesday," and will be verified using Natural Language Processing to retrieve the structured time information for the input.

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