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Scaling Storage Protection for SharePoint with Large Numbers of Sites with Site Caches
9/15/2022 - Cloudmersive Support

When working with SharePoint Site Collections with large numbers of sites (e.g. over 500 sites), you can use Site Caches in the Cloudmersive Management Portal to streamline performance and scale to thousands of sites in your site collection while using Cloudmersive Storage Protect.

To create a cache, navigate to the Cloudmersive Account Portal and click on Storage Protection. Then click on Manage next to your connection. Scroll down to Site Caches and click on Add Site Cache. Click on Create Cache.

Once created, you will be taken to a Status page that shows the real-time status of the cache creation. Note that the initial population of the cache can take a few minutes depending on the number of sites. If you have a large number of sites this could take significant time to finish. To follow the status, click on Refresh Status.

Once completed, you can now use this cache when you choose to Add Site to your cloud connection, which should load very quickly since the list has been pre-computed.

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